Genocide & Politicide

Genocides, Politicides, and Other Mass Murder Since 1945


Those countries at Stage 7 are currently at the mass killing stage. They are highlighted in bold type. They have active genocides, recurring genocidal massacres, or ongoing politicides. They are erupting. The others are at various stages of dormancy (4 through 6) but could erupt again.


Note that lower stages continue during higher stages – the stages are not linear, but are simultaneous operations, in which “lower” stages are logically necessary for “higher” stages, but continue during the “higher” stages.


The table is organized by region. Within a region, countries are listed in order of their potential for mass killing, by stages. Not all politicides since 1945 appear on this chart because some countries where politicide has occurred have become democracies (e.g. East Germany, Poland, Romania, Mongolia) and are not now at stage 4 or above.


Click here to view the chart
©2010 Genocide Watch


Image from, 2013



See following resources for further information:


Barabara Harff. 2003. “No Lessons Learned from the Holocaust – Assessing Risks of Genocide and Political Mass Murder since 1955” in American Political Science Review 97.1 (Feb 2003) 57-73


Genocide and Politicide Model Data (Phase III: 1955-1999)


Click here for the chart from 2008: PDF file or Word.doc

©2008 Genocide Watch


To view Genocide Watch’s Countries at Risk, please click here.
