Get Involved

Genocide Watch is funded by donations from generous supporters like you. Please make a contribution today to support the work that the organization does to educate people across the globe on genocide and genocide prevention.Your donations will support the organization in publishing and distributing The 10 Stages of Genocide book, authored by organization president Dr. Gregory Stanton.Donations will also contribute to daily updates of Genocide Watch’s website, facebook, and twitter communications around the world, to curricular and video resources for teachers, and to transportation expenses for interns to and from work in Washington, DC.  No donations will be used for administrative expenses, because space and computer resources are donated by George Mason University.

We appreciate all contributions!

Check out our Events Page to learn about interesting opportunities for events to attend across the world! 


Take the Pledge Against Genocide 


Support the “One Million Bones” Project to raise awareness


Check out 30 Things you can do during Genocide Awareness Month
(or any other month you decide to start to be an Advocate Against Genocide)
