
Eastern Congo: Thousands of Children Threatened by Violence, Disease and Sexual Assault

Nicholas Edmondson, International Business Times UK
03 September 2012


Thousands of children are at immediate risk of disease, starvation and violent attacks in the Eastern Congo, a charity has warned. More than 25,000 children are living in makeshift camps across the region and are currently in serious need of aid, according to War Child.

Hundreds of thousands of Congolese families have fled the area around North Kivu and Goma, following renewed clashes between the M23 rebel movement and the National Congolese army.
According to War Child’s Child Protection Alert, the response of the UN and international community has fallen short and represents a “fatal pause in care and protection”. (read more)

 Sleeping Through the Slaughter

By Jessica Hatcher, Photos: Phil Moore
In the last few months, I’ve spent time in the Democratic Republic of Congo where I used an embarrassing screw-up by one of the world’s most publicly accountable organisations as a bargaining tool to get a story. A mistake by the United Nations means I saw something I shouldn’t have*, and when I agreed to agree it never happened, they reluctantly allowed me to join a massacre investigation mission in the most damaged part of what is, if their own statistics are to be trusted, the most damaged country in the world. (Read More)
RD Congo: Condamnation des violences sexuelles
Par Afriquejet
20 juillet 2012
Le représentant spécial par intérim du Secrétaire général de l’ONU sur la violence sexuelle dans les conflits, Vijay Nambiar, a condamné la violence sexuelle qui aurait été perpétrée en RD Congo par un groupe de soldats renégats connu sous le nom M23 et a appelé les autorités à enquêter sur les crimes.
Dans un communiqué publié jeudi à New York, il a indiqué qu’au moment où la violence connaît une escalade dans l’Est de la RD Congo, il est profondément préoccupé par le fait que le conflit est encore une fois caractérisé par des violences sexuelles. (read more)

Le porte-parole du gouvernement congolais Lambert Mende, le 28 juin 2012 à Kinshasa AFP – Junior D.Kannah


For earlier articles, please see the” Archived updates” section on the Republic of Congo’s page. 

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